Whether you know it or not, trauma impacts your business and relationships every day

What you may not realize is how that trauma is showing up in your business. You may be thinking, “I don’t really have trauma from my past… What happened to me isn’t as bad as…”

In my experience, people who have zero trauma from their pasts are the exception, not the rule. And even “little t” trauma (as we call it) can impact you and your business.

How Trauma May Show Up In Your Business 

When you work as a coach, service business owner or healer, trauma impacts how you show up in your business and with your clients.


A few examples of how unchecked trauma may be running in your business:

  • Constantly Deferring: You find yourself deferring to others to avoid conflict — despite this being YOUR business — so you struggle to grow in ways that feel in integrity.
  • Micromanaging Everything: Things take longer to get done because you don’t trust your employees; you micro-manage or take tasks back because you’re a perfectionist, and so scaling your business and serving more people feels impossible. 
  • Feeling Like You Need More: You have difficulty reaching your revenue goals, or never feel like your revenue is enough.
  • Suffering With Anxiety and Doubt: You feel trapped by your business, suffer from constant high-functioning anxiety, and feel like you want to burn it down and start over.
  • Shaky Boundaries With Everyone: You have consistently poor boundaries with staff, your calendar, your customers, and your money, which makes it feel like the business is running you instead of you running it.

This is just a small fraction of what I’ve discovered in my years researching how trauma impacts our businesses. When trauma runs amok in your business, it prevents you from having the business, freedom, and revenue you desire.

Learn to Do No Harm — to your people, processes, OR profit

When you become a trauma-conscious entrepreneur, many of the challenges that you're experiencing in your business will shift because you'll be looking at them with a new lens. 

When you do the work to understand your trauma responses, you'll be less likely to do harm to your people, your processes, or your profits.

In fact, once you understand how trauma is at play in your business, you will::

  • Finally be able to hire and retain a great team and manage them from a place of empowerment and mutual trust.
  • Grow and scale your business because you can finally get the help you need.
  • Develop a better relationship with money that may help you increase your revenue and meet your goals.
  • Establish clear boundaries with yourself, your staff, and customers so that you can have the freedom you crave in your business.
  • Market and serve in your business from a place of integrity and compassion so that you Do No Harm to your clients and customers. 
  • Learn to deal with (and ultimately stop attracting) “problem” clients by learning to market, sell, and serve in a trauma-conscious way.

Most of all, you’ll find some self-compassion and a deeper understanding of both WHY things have been difficult in the past- and how to shift them.  


Here’s what we will cover in Do No Harm: 

Module 0 : Introduction to Do No Harm 

Learn about why this work is so important, how to best utilize the program, and what the expectations are regarding the course and its content. 

  • Welcome to the Do No Harm program
  • Best practices for navigating this course
  • What is ok and what is not ok when utilizing this course. 

Module 1: Trauma and Its Impact on Business

Learn the difference between small t and big t trauma. This will help you identify if those “suck it up” moments you experienced in your past are actually affecting your present and future. It will also empower you to recognize the patterns trauma can cause and discover how to interrupt them for a new outcome.

  • Lesson 1 | Why we need to look at trauma & business
  • Lesson 2 | Defining trauma 
  • Lesson 3 | How trauma impacts our nervous system
  • Lesson 4 | Why helping professionals need to examine their Deeper Why
  • Lesson 5 | Body Integration Video 
  • Lesson 6 | Invitation to the Three Whys Course

Module 2: The Anatomy of a Traumatized Business

Learn the 5 places in which trauma most often shows up in a business. Once you understand these categories, you have a framework for uncovering and disrupting trauma patterns in your business and your clients’. 

  • Lesson 1 | The history behind my research 
  • Lesson 2 | Trauma’s impact on trust & boundaries
  • Lesson 3 | Trauma’s impact on visibility.
  • Lesson 4 | Trauma’s impact on money.
  • Lesson 5 | How Fight, Flight, Freeze & Fawn show up in a business. 
  • Lesson 6 | Grounding and integration video 

Module 3: Inner Kiddo to CEO: Who’s REALLY in Charge?

Identify how experiences from your childhood are influencing how you run your business. I call these your “inner kiddos” and we will learn how to give them a job that’s helpful instead of letting them run the show. 

  • Lesson 1 | How small t trauma impacts our inner kiddos
  • Lesson 2 | Inner kiddo connection exercises 
  • Lesson 3 | Inner CEO connection exercises

Module 4: Why Your Relationship With Your Business Matters

Recognize that you are in a relationship with your business! And that relationship may be replicating one from your past with a mean boss, an overbearing parent, or a demanding coach. Then you can decide the kind of relationship you want to have with your business and start to develop that.

  • Lesson 1 How and why we create a relationship with our business. 
  • Lesson 2 What is your current relationship with your business? 
  • Lesson 3 What is the relationship that you want to have with your business? 
  • Lesson 4 Body Integration Video 

Module 5: How Does Trauma Impact The Relationships In Your Business?

Do you get annoyed with clients who seem to constantly come up against resistance? Discover how to recognize when clients may be dealing with their own internalized trauma, learn how to proceed with integrity and compassion, and understand when to refer a client out to a trauma-informed therapist.

  • Lesson 1 How to recognize trauma’s impact on your clients and stay in integrity. 
  • Lesson 2 How to recognize trauma’s impact on your employee or other relationships in your business. 
  • Lesson 3 Body Integration Video

Module 6: Become a Trauma-Conscious Entrepreneur

Pull all of this information together and see how it can inform how you show up, market yourself, and work with clients to Do No Harm because you understand how to do so without triggering someone else’s trauma response. 

  • Lesson 1 Creating intentional containers in your program
  • Lesson 2 Trauma conscious marketing 
  • Lesson 3 Trauma conscious sales and pricing 
  • Lesson 4 Group Dynamics Course 
  • Lesson 5- Body Integration Video 

Module 7: Integration and Reorientation to Doing No Harm

Wrap it all up and integrate it with these final lessons.

  • Lesson 1 How to get on the Trauma Conscious Entrepreneur Network Directory 
  • Lesson 2 Invitation to access bonus sessions and how to reach out for additional support. 
  • Lesson 3 Wrapping it all up 
  • Lesson 4 Body Integration video 

By the end of this program, you should be able to recognize your own patterns of trauma that may be showing up in your business, how trauma might be showing up for your clients, and how to market and serve to Do No Harm.

Two options to serve you:
Self-Paced Plus Intensive
Self-paced program. 6 month cohort.
7 Do No Harm modules, each with up to 90-Minutes of instructional videos. 7 Do No Harm modules, each with up to 90-Minutes of instructional videos.
Lifetime access to the recordings. Lifetime access to the recordings.
Self-assessments to keep you from letting trauma continue to impact your people, your processes, and your profits. Self-assessments to keep you from letting trauma continue to impact your people, your processes, and your profits.
Access to guest instructor video sessions. Access to guest instructor video sessions.
   Live orientation session.
   6 monthly facilitated and recorder Q&A sessions with Nicole.
   6 monthly co-working sessions to support you in getting through the curriculum.
   Private sessions are available as an add-on by request. Please email [email protected] to inquire.
Investment: $1200 US or 3 payments of $400 US Investment: $2500 US or 6 monthly payments of $425.00 US
(One-time Payment)
Plus Intensive
(One-time Payment)

Enroll now

One-time payment

Enroll now

One-time payment

(Payment Plan)
Plus Intensive
(Payment Plan)

Enroll now

Payment Plan

Enroll now

Payment Plan

Guest Teachers

Caelin Aerin

How to Write Trigger Free Copy

Caelin Aerin (they/them) is a non-binary anti-capitalist marketer and copywriter. They hold a BA in Creative Writing from UBC and spent 8 years in sales before stumbling onto the (sometimes delightful & sometimes horrifying) world of online marketing. Their work focuses on how solopreneurs and small businesses unconsciously replicate systems of oppression in their marketing and finding healthier, more equitable ways to do business.

Website: Copy Coaching for Paradigm-Breaking Entrepreneurs

Leela Sing

Do No Harm Gender

Leela Sinha (ze/zim/zir): Leela is a queer, nonbinary, genderqueer, trans-identified, middle-aged, person of color. Ze is also a Unitarian Universalist minister with 30 years of experience running workshops and about the same in (mostly underground) sexuality education.

Ze works primarily as a coach with intense founders and executives on developing good practices with ethics, leadership, power, and community. Zir's book, You're Not Too Much, addresses questions of "too muchness" in a culture not built to appreciate it, and zir YouTube channel discusses concrete ways to find and use power well.

Inclusivity is an ethics, leadership, and power center in almost every context and ze is glad to be invited to share this work.

Website: The Intensives Institute

Sukie Baxter

The Neurobiology of Success

Sukie Baxter is the CEO of Whole Body Revolution and is an Embodiment Coach with more than fifteen years of experience working with clients to help them release pain and trauma from their bodies—and their hearts. She helps coaches and healing professionals to learn and embody the principles for neurobiological change so that they can get consistent client results and build a thriving healing business that allows them to live life on their own terms. She is the author of the Perfect Posture for Life book, the creator of the Nerve Apprenticeship.

Website: Whole Body Revolution

Sarah Dopp

Sarah Dopp (she/her) is an ADHD coach and the founder of Queer ADHD (QueerADHD.com), an ADHD coaching practice and & resource center for the LGBTQIA+ community. Sarah also created Genderfork.com, a community expression blog for the transgender and nonbinary community which ran from 2007 - 2018. Prior to becoming an ADHD coach, Sarah worked in technology for 17 years as a project manager and product manager. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.


TikTok (@queeradhd)

Instagram (queeradhd)

Facebook (@queeradhd)

Medium - queeradhd

Amy Kuretsky


Amy Kuretsky (she/her) is a breathwork facilitator and business coach working on Dakota and Anishinaabe ancestral land. Her work is focused on helping successful businesses tap into their intuition and do business differently so that they can fall back in love with their work.

She uses the breath as a tool for healing and business building and has led online and in-person breathwork groups all over the world. In 2020, she organized with a group of other breathwork facilitators for more anti-oppression and trauma-informed training as part of the Breathwork for the People collective.

Along with her coaching business, she also has a background in acupuncture and Chinese medicine and co-owns Constellation Acupuncture and Healing Arts, a healing space in NE Minneapolis.

When she’s not supporting others, she’s hiking in the woods with her pup, playing nerdy board games, or pulling tarot cards.

Website: Amy Kuretsky

Which Option is Right for Me?

Both options are perfect for anyone who wants to explore how trauma is intersecting with your business practices and improve that relationship. You will learn how to start Doing No Harm in your business starting with yourself; then you will be able to recognize the effects of trauma on your clients and guide them to a trauma-free business as well.

Both the self-paced program and the Intensive are structured as classes with additional teaching, co-working, and Q&A if you join the Intensive. However, if you know yourself and know you may need some individual coaching or therapy while going through this program, please know that you don’t have to go through this on your own.

As this work is addressing trauma, you may find you need more support while going through it, especially with the self-paced option.

You can email me at [email protected] now or any time during the program to let me know if you want additional one-on-one support and we can map out a plan or connect you with a therapist who can work with you on this.

"I think every business owner needs this kind of education around trauma, both for themselves and for their customers/clients."

—Sarah Cottrell - formerlawyer.com

"I have so many helping professional and entrepreneurial friends who have toxic relationships with their work/businesses. So many of them have traumatic histories that they haven't really addressed. Many of them—even the "woke" ones—still use manipulative marketing and sales because that's all they know, and they don't recognize the harm that does. The information and reflective exercises in this course are essential for all business owners and healers (whether they own their own business or not)!"

—Christine O'Neill

Why I’m so passionate about trauma and its impact on business

I’m a business therapist and mindset coach who works with entrepreneurs to create and nurture healthy relationships with their businesses. I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a Masters in Social Work and a rich experience working as a therapist.

 Though I speak and guest regularly to talk about mental health and small t trauma, my most satisfying work is helping business owners like you create emotionally sustainable, financially stable businesses. It’s transformational and I love it.

During my 18 years as a therapist, I supported clients through the process of recognizing how trauma was impacting their businesses and their leadership. Add to that, my own experience and healing as a trauma survivor, and, more recently, my 5+ years helping business owners do no harm to their people, their processes, and their profits through my coaching and group programs. This is my calling. Guiding people like you through the process is exactly what I’m meant to do.

We all know that perfection does not exist and we all hold the desire to do no harm. We also know that a pain-free world does not exist, but that doesn't mean you cannot make it your goal. We should all aspire to do no harm. 

In Do No Harm I share with you my expertise and what I have found in my research so you can shift into being a trauma-conscious entrepreneur and start to do less harm in your business, to yourself, and the world around you.

"We live in a society that programs entrepreneurs to hustle, grind, and push past discomfort at their own detriment, which leads to burn-out, depression, and sometimes even disease.

Nicole Lewis-Keeber is helping shift the paradigm of entrepreneurship and teaching business owners how to ‘Do No Harm’ to not only their clients but also doing no harm to themselves.

I’ve gained so much value from working with Nicole in her Do No Harm program, her Dare To Lead cohort, and working directly with her as a business therapist. She helped me identify where trauma was playing out in my business and what was keeping me from feeling fully supported in my business.

Nicole can help you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and fall in love with your business again. I highly recommend working with her!

—Niajae Wallace - Sound Therapist & Owner of Bliss Bar Meditation Studio

"I found the Do No Harm Intensive to be extremely informative. Nicole created a safe space for us to learn about trauma and its impact on us and our clients. As a business coach, this program will help me become a trauma conscious entrepreneur so that I "do no harm" in my client work. I appreciated the additional bonus material (videos, worksheets, etc.) that Nicole created to help us learn the material and integrate it into our daily business practices. I highly recommend this course with Nicole. She is supportive, sensitive and super smart."

—Tracy Imm - Tracy Imm Worldwide

Two options to serve you:
Investment: $1200 US or 3 payments of $400 US Investment: $2500 US or 6 monthly payments of $425.00 US
(One-time Payment)
Plus Intensive
(One-time Payment)

Enroll now

One-time payment

Enroll now

One-time payment

(Payment Plan)
Plus Intensive
(Payment Plan)

Enroll now

Payment Plan

Enroll now

Payment Plan

This is for you if:

  • You’re frustrated with the patterns in your business that you suspect are connected to your emotional well-being. And you’re willing to entertain the idea that it might not be a problem with your business strategy.
  • You don’t have an HR department in your business, but you are managing other people in some way (even if that only extends to a virtual assistant or contractors).
  • You are working with people’s emotions in some way in your business — either as a coach, a wellness practitioner, or even as a business service professional.
  • You have worked with mindset coaches, read personal development books, and/or taken courses and still feel like there is a missing link for you.
  • You are willing to be curious about what it takes to build a business you love that loves you back.
  • You are tired of feeling like your business is running you and you are ready to get free from the self-imposed grind.
  • You have high integrity and aspire to do no harm in your business and in your community because you value uplifting those around you.
  • You are ready to dig in and look at your business in a whole new way.
  • You used to be a part of the “suck it up” club and that’s no longer working for you.
  • Blaming others has been your go-to coping pattern and you're ready to make a different choice. 
  • You know you’ve made your audience cry, and know that you’ve reached them — but you don’t want to leave them in tears, but rather leave them with answers.

As this is a program about trauma, it’s critical that everyone who joins is a good fit. I want to be transparent about the instances in which this program might not be for you:

  • If you are just starting your own trauma exploration journey, or just received a trauma diagnosis, this should not be your first step because this program makes the assumption that you've already done some work around trauma and that you have some basic tools.
  • The Intensive is not for you if you’re not comfortable doing some of this work in a group setting; if that’s the case you might want to join the self-paced program.
  • We honor and respect religious and spiritual practices, but we also know that trauma is real and that we will center trauma in the conversation. 
  • And if you have no interest in learning how to have more compassion for yourself in your business.

If you’re having trouble getting things done, trusting your employees, or micromanaging, this course could be the answer for you. 

If you’re not reaching revenue goals, this course could be for you.

If you never seem to have enough time in your business — even though you keep hiring (and firing?) people, this course could be for you.

All are welcome in this space and we endeavor to make it a safe and welcoming space for everyone. If you have any specific questions, please email Nicole at [email protected]. 

If you coach people, work in the wellness space, or work with other business owners (in services like copywriting, graphic design, and project management) you’ve almost certainly come across a client who had poor boundaries, was indecisive, struggled to delegate, or faced a lot of resistance when working with you.

What if, instead of getting frustrated and eventually firing that client, you could recognize the trauma patterns that were showing up for them, approach the situation with kindness and integrity, and even know when to refer them to a trauma specialist?

What if you could market, sell, and deliver your services in a way that won’t trigger someone’s trauma — so you could help avoid difficult situations in the first place (and avoid doing harm unintentionally)?

And what if you could apply those same frameworks and teachings to your own business, to help you unclog bottlenecks, overcome roadblocks, and start building the business you always wanted to have?

The Do No Harm program was designed to help you do all of that and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the program start?

The Do No Harm self-paced program begins as soon as you are registered, and you can work at your own pace.

The Do No Harm Intensive starts June 08, 2022. The Q&A sessions are listed below; they are all on Wednesdays. 

June 08, 2022, 1-2 pm EST Orientation Call/ Q&A 

July 13, 2022, 1-2 pm EST-Q&A Session

August 10, 2022, 1-2 pm EST Q&A Session

September 14, 2022, 1-2 pm Q&A Session

October 12, 2022, 1-2 pm EST Q&A Session

November 16, 2022, 1-2 EST Wrap Up/ Q&A Session


We will also have co-working sessions from 12-1 starting on June 13th, 2022 the dates are listed below. They are all on Mondays. 

June 13, 2022, 12-1 pm EST 

July 11, 2022, 12-1 pm EST 

August 15, 2022, 12-1 pm EST 

September 19, 2022, 12-1 pm EST 

October 17, 2022, 12-1 pm EST 

November 7, 2022, 12-1 pm EST 

Enrollment for the intensive is until May 31, 2022.

Are the sessions live or recorded?

The Do No Harm teaching modules are all pre-recorded, so you can watch them at your own pace and revisit them multiple times. 

The sessions with the guest teachers have been recorded and are available to watch at your own pace. 

If you join the Intensive, our Q&A sessions will be live via Crowdcast. The sessions will be recorded and will be available to co-hort members only on the crowd cast platform. 

If you join the Intensive, our Co-working sessions will meet via zoom and will not be recorded. 

Is there an opportunity to work with you privately?

Yes, there may be an option to work with me privately while working through the self-paced program or the Intensive. Because this is addressing trauma, you may find you need more support while working through it, especially with the self-paced option. Please email me at [email protected] to let me know if this is something you are interested in and we can map out a plan.

Are there payment plans available?

Yes! At the checkout you will have the option to choose between two options: Pay in full for $1200 US OR pay a $400 deposit and 2 installments of $ 400 each. For the self-paced course. 

Or if you will be joining us for the live intensive you can pay in full for $2500 US or 6 payments of $425 US 

If you have any technical issues at checkout, please send an email to [email protected] and we'll resolve it quickly for you!

How long do I have access to the lessons?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you'll have unlimited access to the lessons for the lifetime of the curriculum — across any and all devices you own.

What if my business is not in a place to pay $1200 for the course. 

If money has been a challenge in your business due to current circumstances and you know that this program is important to the growth of your business please email me at [email protected].

Two options to serve you:
Investment: $1200 US or 3 payments of $400 US Investment: $2500 US or 6 monthly payments of $425.00 US
(One-time Payment)
Plus Intensive
(One-time Payment)

Enroll now

One-time payment

Enroll now

One-time payment

(Payment Plan)
Plus Intensive
(Payment Plan)

Enroll now

Payment Plan

Enroll now

Payment Plan