The Three Whys

Remember Why You Wanted To Have Your Business

Do you find yourself stuck in the busy work of your business and you feel like you have forgotten why you wanted to do this in the first place? This course will help you remember the deeper emotional connection to the purpose behind your business. This course will help you feel less, dissatisfied, overworked, overwhelmed, and help you find the relief you have been looking for.

Your business can’t heal you from emotional challenges

  • I work with business owners who haven’t recognized that they started their business because of a deep emotional need that they wanted to meet.
  • Having a business is never going to fulfill that emotional need unless you recognize how to utilize your business as a mechanism for healing.
  • It is so easy to get stuck in the mechanism of the daily tasks connected to your business. It is common to forget your divine why, and the deeper reasons why you were hoping that your business will make you feel something more. When you are able to recognize that you wanted your business to make you feel more confident, validated, safer, useful, and even worthy you can use the processes in this course to help you get back on track.


What you get

  • Audiobook of 3 whys
  • 3 Whys help them identify what those emotional needs are; identify divine why, why are you doing this thing?
  • 9 chapters + intro + final thoughts + 2 exercises; audio files; pdf of book

Your Instructor

Nicole Lewis-Keeber
Nicole Lewis-Keeber

I’m a business therapist and mindset coach who works with entrepreneurs to create and nurture healthy relationships with their businesses. I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a Masters in Social Work and a rich experience of working as a therapist. Though I speak and guest regularly to talk about mental health and small t trauma, my most satisfying work is helping business owners like you create emotionally sustainable, financially stable businesses. It’s transformational and I love it.

  • The content of this course is for the participant’s use only, it is not meant to be replicated or taught to others. This material is copyrighted and not available for replication or modification.
  • No refunds.

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