Still . . . many business owners, coaches, service providers, and healers never fully unwrap and address their own trauma, and so it shows up in their own businesses.
You may be thinking, “I don’t really have trauma from my past . . . What happened to me isn’t as bad as . . . ”But, in my experience, people who have zero trauma from their pasts are the exception, not the rule. And even “little t” trauma (as we call it) can affect you and your business.
You might have unchecked trauma running in your business if:
Oh, it hurts my heart to write this list because these are just a few of the ways that trauma can run amok in your business, and when it does, it prevents you from having the business, freedom, and revenue you desire.
Here's the good news:
It is absolutely not your fault. Not one bit. Listen, we don't drop our baggage at the door when we start a business. And yet we are never asked to explore our emotional well-being as part of a plan for a successful business.
The truth is that you have probably already recognized many of these patterns and sought out help for them. You may have tried business coaches, courses, self-help books, productivity tools, and more.
So why didn't things change?
The answer is simple . . . You were trying business strategies to fix emotional challenges for your business.
But there is a solution: When you become trauma-informed, you will see benefits in your own business—through better relationships with your team, smoother processes, and higher profits—as well as benefits for the clients you serve.
When you become a trauma conscious entrepreneur, many of the challenges that you're experiencing in your business will shift because you'll be looking at them with a new lens.
When you do the work to understand your trauma responses, you'll be less likely to do harm to your people, your processes, or your profits.
In fact, once you understand how trauma is at play in your business, you will:
It's my mission to guide you on a journey to explore early childhood trauma and to illuminate its connection to today. This is why I have combined all of my work and research into the Do No Harm Intensive.
The Do No Harm Intensive was designed to help service-based business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, and leaders learn how to run a trauma-free business that will help your people, your processes, and your profits. You do this by learning about past trauma and its impact, and in doing so, you become empowered to serve the people you're meant to serve in a deeper, more meaningful way and to heal yourself as part of that process.
You can remove trauma's aftermath from your business structures and lean in to the resilience and strength that trauma led you to develop.
The intensive is a six-week program. Each week you’ll get a 90-minute training from me and have the opportunity to ask questions and get feedback.
Lesson 1: Trauma and Its Impact on Business
Learn the difference between small t and big t trauma. This will help you identify if those “suck it up” moments you experienced in your past are actually affecting your present and future. It will also empower you to recognize the patterns trauma can cause and discover how to interrupt them for a new outcome.
Lesson 2: The Anatomy of a Traumatized Business
Learn the 5 places in which trauma most often shows up in business. Once you understand these categories, you have a framework for uncovering and disrupting trauma patterns in your business and your clients’.
Lesson 3: Inner Kiddo to CEO: Who’s REALLY in Charge?
Identify how experiences from your childhood are influencing how you run your business. I call these your “inner kiddos” and we will learn how to give them a job that’s helpful instead of letting them run the show.
Lesson 4: Shift From Mean Boss to Supportive Partner
Recognize that you are in a relationship with your business! And that relationship may be replicating one from your past with a mean boss, an overbearing parent, or a demanding coach. Then you can decide the kind of relationship you want to have with your business and start to develop that.
Lesson 5: Recognize Trauma with Clients and Proceed with Integrity
Do you get annoyed with clients who seem to constantly come up against resistance? Discover how to recognize when clients may be dealing with their own internalized trauma, learn how to proceed with integrity and compassion, and understand when to refer a client out to a trauma-informed therapist.
Lesson 6: Become a Trauma-Conscious Entrepreneur
Pull all of this information together and see how it can inform how you show up, market yourself, and work with clients to Do No Harm because you understand how to do so without triggering someone else’s trauma response.
By the end of this intensive, you should be able to recognize your own patterns of trauma that may be showing up in your business, how trauma might be showing up for your clients, and how to market and serve to Do No Harm.
You will learn how to start Doing No Harm in your business starting with yourself; then you will be able to recognize the effects of trauma on your clients and guide them to a trauma-free business as well.
I’m a business therapist and mindset coach who works with entrepreneurs to create and nurture healthy relationships with their businesses. I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a Masters in Social Work and a rich experience of working as a therapist. Though I speak and guest regularly to talk about mental health and small t trauma, my most satisfying work is helping business owners like you create emotionally sustainable, financially stable businesses. It’s transformational and I love it.
During my 18 years as a therapist, I supported clients through the process of recognizing how trauma was impacting their businesses and their leadership. Add to that, my own experience and healing as a trauma survivor, and, more recently, my 5+ years helping business owners do no harm to their people, their processes, and their profits through my coaching and group programs. This is my calling. Guiding people like you through the process is exactly what I’m meant to do.
We all know that perfection does not exist and we all hold the desire to do no harm. We also know that a pain-free world does not exist, but that doesn't mean you cannot make it your goal. We should all aspire to do no harm.
I am going to share with you my expertise and what I have found in my research so you can shift into being a trauma-conscious entrepreneur and start to do less harm in your business, to yourself, and the world around you.
If you coach people, work in the wellness space, or work with other business owners (in services like copywriting, graphic design, and project management) you’ve almost certainly come across a client who had poor boundaries, was indecisive, struggled to delegate, or faced a lot of resistance when working with you.
What if, instead of getting frustrated and eventually firing that client, you could recognize the trauma patterns that were showing up for them, approach the situation with kindness and integrity, and even know when to refer them to a trauma specialist?
What if you could market, sell, and deliver your services in a way that won’t trigger someone’s trauma—so you could help avoid difficult situations in the first place (and avoid doing harm unintentionally)?
And what if you could apply those same frameworks and teachings to your own business, to help you unclog bottlenecks, overcome roadblocks, and start building the business you always wanted to have?
The Do No Harm Intensive was designed to help you do all of that and more.
Traditional “business coaching” would have you believe that every problem in your business can be solved with the right strategy, tactic, or tool.
I say that you first have to understand your relationship with your business and that once you do, you will 10x the effectiveness of those strategies and tactics because you will finally be able to get free of your old patterns and trauma responses.
I’m a business therapist and mindset coach who works with entrepreneurs and business owners to create and nurture healthy relationships with their businesses. I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a Masters in Social Work and a rich experience of working as a therapist. Though I speak and guest regularly to talk about mental health and small t trauma, my most satisfying work is helping business owners like you create emotionally sustainable, financially stable businesses. It’s transformational and I love it.